Words About Pictures - You’re reading this because, while a ‘picture says a thousand words’ (it’s a very eloquent medium), sometimes a little extra convincing, just to assure you that I’m the right person for the job, is necessary. Ah irony. Presumably you’re looking for some photography (I can be pretty astute sometimes). Here’s why you can now stop wasting your time ‘investigating your options’ and just pick me. A good photographer (*cough me cough*) comes with: Top notch equipment. The right certifications. (I’ll list those below for you, in case you’re really curious.) An eye. (Admittedly, most of us have a couple functioning ones… but the trick is to see things differently… and then freeze the essence of that within the frame.) Experience. (I’ll supply another fun list for this below). Price. (It has to be right, so let’s talk.) In short, if you want someone to capture; a moment, a feeling, an experience, a brand, a situation, all of the above. Well then, I’ve been there, done that and thanks to years in the industry, know someone who can screen print the tee shirt. My travels and international work experience have given me a fresh perspective and unyielding focus (see what I did there). As a photographer, we kill time and then make it live forever. Through our lens we tell a story. Your story. Let me interpret yours for you.
A users guide to me:
The things I have: (Certifications) NHD in Visual Communication & Photography (studied film development, lighting, design, digital and business practice).
A certificate in Graphic Design Advanced Digital Editing from the London College of Fashion.
Digital Marketing Skills from UCT covering digital marketing strategy, PPC advertising and SEO fundamentals.
The things I’ve done (Experience)
2002- Freelance photo journalist for the Independent Newspapers.
2003- Photographic assistant & stylist working on local brands in Durban and Cape Town, South Africa.
2006- Formal portraiture on an American cruiseliner.
2007- Internal photographer & artworker within the busy marketing department for JOHN LEWIS (one of the UK’s top retailers) shooting and marketing everything from furniture to food.
2011- Jonsson Workwear. I headed up all photography across every channel of the business. Project management, creative direction, content creation, copy writing, editing & design within the bustling internal marketing department..
2017- I started my own unique agency.
2019 -2024 - I am a full time Creative Marketing Manger. My skill set is diverse and I help business’s grow through targeted campaigns and digital advertising
I am still available for selective creative projects. Contact me for a chat :)